The wrestling season “runs” from November through mid-March. Practice is held in the wrestling room of the Smith Center on the Mt. St. Joseph High School campus in Baltimore, MD. Practice consists of conditioning, drilling, technique application, intensity, physical and mental preparedness.
PARENTS of wrestlers the under the age of 9 MUST remain in attendance during practice and meets.
In order for the team to improve, all wrestlers must regularly attend practice. Because wrestling is a progressive sport, we cannot spend our time constantly reviewing technique that has been previously taught.
Although it is understood that situations arise, attendance is required at ALL events---practices and matches.
If a wrestler is habitually late/absent from practice, for the safety of the wrestler, He/she may not be permitted to compete.
Inclement Weather Policy/Cancellations:
Because we practice in the Smith Center of Mt. St. Joseph High School, we follow Baltimore County’s lead for cancellations. If schools in Baltimore County are closed, there is no practice.
Tournaments provide additional opportunities outside of the league matches for a wrestler to “get mat time.” Grappling, practice and “roll-arounds” do not present the same opportunities as “live wrestling” for your children to learn the sport. Coaches can provide feedback for the specific tournaments that fit the skill-set of your wrestler.
United States of American Wrestling (USAW):
In order to participate in some tournaments, the USWA wrestling membership card is required. You can purchase the card at www.usawmembership.com

Our Facilities
Mount Saint Joseph High School
Smith Center Gymnasium & Wrestling Room
4403 Frederick Ave
Baltimore, MD 21229
MSJ Titans Youth wrestling has a great relationship with our parent school, Mount Saint Joseph High School. Our usage of the facility is a great advantage and a privelage that we do not take for granted. All visitors are expected to leave all spaces and resources in the condition that they were found. For your child's safety and the security of the school, no children are permitted in the locker rooms without a coach or school representative. Bathrooms can be found in the main corridor between the old and new gymnasiums. Ask a coach or school representative if you need assistance.